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When the water starts boiling it is foolish to turn off the heat. Nelson Mandela

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Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try..!

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“Every accomplishment starts with a decision and taking action.”

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The Journey Of Your Dream Starts With A Desire.

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Every accomplishment starts with a decision and taking action.

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Every accomplishment starts as a dream.

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Success starts in the mind.

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Happiness starts with you - not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your money, but with you..

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They say you should see the face of the one you love the first thing in the morning. Your day starts on a happy note and you spend the day positively.

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Good friends are like starts. you don’t always see them. but you know they are there !

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“I’m going to write you a letter that starts with “I love you,” ends with “I love you,” and somewhere in between is a good-bye for every single hurt.”

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My love for you is a journey, that starts at forever and ends at never in Life.

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The beginning of all the knowledge and passion in love starts with one thing: a loving heart.

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What do you know about love? I know that it both starts and ends with you.

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Hi, is a short, simple word but it’s how love starts.

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My love for you is a journey that starts at forever and ends at never in Life.

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Relationship starts with can we talk and ends with we need to talk.

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My love for you is a journey, that starts at forever and ends at never in Life.

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Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

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“What do you know about love? I know that it both starts and ends with you.”

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“Love starts off as cute, innocent and sweet. What new lovers don’t understand is that love doesn’t turn beautiful the moment it begins. Love is like wine; it gets stronger and more beautiful as each day passes.”

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“The beginning of all the knowledge and passion in love starts with one thing: a loving heart.”

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“My love for you is a journey that starts at forever and ends at never in Life…”

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Sometimes I wonder, happiness starts with an *’H’*
why does mine start with *’U’!!!*

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Best Romantic wallaper for whatsapp
Every New Year gives you the perfect chance to startsomething new and fresh.So do your bit this year andmake the world a better placefor yourself and others.Happy New Year 2020!

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“The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective.” ― G.K. Chesterton

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“Everything in my life starts with you, everything in life ends on your name; know that you will always be special in my eyes my dear. Wishing you a very happy birthday!”

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Let it be in your mind that when you are over the hill the speed starts to pick up. Happy birthday!

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“Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work, one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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"I don’t count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count." - Muhammad Ali

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“Quality performance (and quality service) starts with a positive attitude.“ – Jeffrey Gitomer

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Without ambition, one starts nothing. Without work, one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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“The object of a New Year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective.” G.K. Chesterton

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My New Year’s Resolution List usually starts with the desire to lose between ten and three thousand pounds.

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Let’s give a warm welcome to the year that starts a new, cherish each moment that the year shall behold, so let’s come together and celebrate a blissful start to the New Year. Happy New Year.

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When the New Year starts with colorful fireworks, let them light up your life like a candle in the night and may they color your year like a rainbow. Happy New Year!

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Before the old sun sets, and the old calendar get destroyed, before anyone else starts wishing and the mobile network jams, I wish you in advance: Happy new year. Enjoy every moment.

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I wish you spend a great year ahead that starts with happiness and ends with that, too. Happy New Year!

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A good day starts with good thoughts. Good Morning

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Good MorningEvery morning starts a new page in your story.Make it a great one today.

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Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today. Doe Zantamata

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good morning wallpapers of flowers
I love the quiet calmness before the world is just waking up. That amazing moment before the chaos of the day starts. Keith Wynn

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The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office. Robert Frost

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My future starts when I wake up every morning. Miles Davis

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“I’m always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life.” – Miles Davis

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“My future starts when I wake up every morning.” – Miles Davis

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Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today. Be thankful!

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A good day starts with good thoughts.

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Every Accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

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“My future starts when I wake up every morning.”– Miles Davis

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Every morning starts a new page in your story

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The journey of life starts with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience, the goal is to fill the bag with experience before the bag of luck gets empty. Good Morning.

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There is no hope for a civilization which starts each day to the sound of an alarm clock.

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Your MIND is a powerful thing when you fill it with positive things, your life starts to change.

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the cute good morning wallpapers
good morning wallpaper friend
*🤔Surprise Test🤔*
एक प्रोफ़ेसर अपनी क्लास में आते ही बोले,
........“चलिए,आज आप सभी का *Surprise Test* हो जाय।"
सुनते ही घबराहट शुरू गई *Students* में!
कुछ किताबों के पन्ने पलटने लगे तो कुछ लगे पढ़ने सर के दिए नोट्स।
“ये सब कुछ काम नहीं आएगा….”, प्रोफेसर साहब मुस्कुराते हुए बोले, *Questionpaper* रख रहा हूँ आपके सामने, जब सारे पेपर बट जाएं तभी आप उसे पलट कर देखें।"
बाँट दिए गए पेपर्स सभी *Students* को।
“ठीक है ! अब आप पेपर देख सकते हैं।"बोले प्रोफेसर साहब।
अगले ही क्षण सभी *Question paper* को 😌😌😌 निहार रहे थे,
*लेकिन यह क्या?* .............कोई प्रश्न था ही नहीं उस पेपर में !
था तो *White* पेपर पर केवल एक *Black* स्पॉट⚫
*"यह क्या सर?* इसमें तो *Question* है ही नहीं!", एक छात्र खड़ा होकर बोला ।
“जो भी है आपके सामने है। आपको बस इसी को *Explain* करना है।लेकिन!ध्यान रहे इसके लिए आपके पास केवल 10 मिनट ही हैं *And ur time starts now.*"
चुटकी बजाते 😊 मुस्कुराते हुए बोले प्रोफेसर। कोई चारा न था उन हैरान *Students* के पास। वे जुट गए उस अजीब से प्रश्न का *Answer* लिखने में।
10 मिनट बीतते ही प्रोफेसर साहब ने फिर से बजाई चुटकी *Time is over.*और लगे *Answer Sheets* collect करने।
*Students* अभी भी हैरान परेशान।
प्रोफेसर साहब ने सभी *Answer Sheets* चैक कीं।
सभी ने ⚫ *Black स्पॉट* ⚫ को अपनी तरह से समझाने की कोशिश की थी, लेकिन किसी ने भी उस स्पॉट के चारों ओर मौजूद *White Space* के बारे में लिखने की जहमत ही नहीं उठाई।
प्रोफ़ेसर साहब गंभीर होते हुए बोले,“इस *Test* का आपके *Academics* से कोई लेना-देना नहीं है, ना ही मैं इसके कोई *Marks* देने वाला हूँ। इस *Test* के पीछे मेरा एक ही मकसद है..........
...............मैं आपको जीवन की एक अद्भुत सच्चाई बताना चाहता हूँ।
देखिये! यह पेपर 99% *White*है…...
.........लेकिन आप में से किसी ने भी इसके बारे में नहीं लिखा और अपना 100% *Answer* केवल उस एक चीज को *Explain* करने में लगा दिया जो मात्र 1% है….........
.............. यही बात हमारी *Life* में भी देखने को मिलती है।......…
.............. *Problems* हमारे जीवन का एक छोटा सा हिस्सा होती हैं, लेकिन हम अपना पूरा ध्यान इन्हींपर लगा देते हैं….....
...........कोई दिन रात अपने *Looks* को लेकर परेशान रहता है तो कोई अपने *carrier* को लेकर चिंता में डूबा रहता है, तो कोई पैसों का रोना रोता रहता है,कोई दूसरे की छोटी सी गलती को अपने दिमाग में रखे रखता है।
क्यों नहीं हम अपनी *Blessings Count* कर खुश होते हैं….....
..............क्यों नहीं हम पेट भर खाने के लिए उस सर्व शक्तिवान प्रभु को *Thanks* कहते हैं….......?
क्यों नहीं हम अपनी प्यारी सी फैमिली के लिए शुक्रगुजार होते हैं….....?
क्यों नहीं हम *Life* की उन 99% चीजों की तरफ ध्यान देते जो सचमुच हमारे जीवन को अच्छा बनाती हैं.........?
क्यों नहीं हम अपने मित्रों सम्बन्धियों की *Mistakes* को *Ignore* कर अपने *Relations* को टूटने से बचाते है..........?
*Students* प्रोफेसर साहब की दी गई इस सीख से गदगद थे।
आईये आज से ही हम *Life* की *Problems* को ज्यादा *Seriously* लेना छोडें,मित्रों/सम्बन्धियों की *Mistakes* को भूलें और जीवन की छोटी-छोटी खुशियों को..........
........... *ENJOY करना सीखें तभी हम ज़िन्दगी को सही मायने में जी पायेंगे......*
सही है न ✅✅✅

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When my day starts with prayer And ends with prayer.
Everything in between seems to always work out.

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"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."......

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Do you know why love is blind??? Because your mothers starts loving you before seeing you.

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Mother wallpaper
My love for you is a journey,
that starts at forever and ends at never in Life.....

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My love for you is a journey
that starts at forever and ends at never in Life ।

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