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Enjoy this life completely. I Love you my darling with all the perfume of a rose and with all the lights in the whole world. happy New Year.

Thanks for making my life so beautiful with your presence. I wish that 2020 brings along more romantic moments for us and make it a memorable year. Happy New Year my adorable darling.

As we enter the New Year together, let’s determine to appreciate the love we share and see it grow even deeper. Happy New Year my love.

The bigger wish I have to receive the New Year is hug you strongly and feel that our love will be forever. Happy year of my life.

I can’t believe I have this amazing life with you by my side. Cheers to another year of growing, loving and persisting. Happy New Year!

I love you unconditionally. My love for you would remain true and fresh for the rest of my life. I ask God to bless us to be together this New year.

I want to love you as long as there’s a new year after every old one. I want to be with you always & forever. Happy new year sweetheart!

Partners for life – That’s what we promised and here we are celebrating another New Year’s Day together, growing stronger and braver with every passing year. Happy New Year to us!

You have made all my wishes come true in last year. For the next year and years next to that, my only wish is, you be with me forever!

This New Year I wish to be the smile on your lips, the wind in your hair, the twinkle in your eyes – I just want you to keep me close.

Careness of your lips, the fragrance of your breath, the warmth of your embrace, being with you, feel like a dream I love you! Happy new year!

This New Year, I only have one wish. I wish that I will be able to make you happy for the rest of my life. Happy New Year, honey.

My New Year will be brighter and happier since you hold the key to my heart, and I know you’d always handle your belonging with care.

Your love has made each day of my life a magical one. So, as New Year commences, my humble tribute to you are the three magic words – I love you.

My gift of unconditional love I give to you, with sincerity, blessings, and loyalty too. Have a wonderful New Year my darling!

You fill up my heart with feelings I had never known before. I want your New Year to be just as special as you are.

This New Year I want you to know that the most favorite place on earth for me is your heart. Keep a special place for me in it always. Happy New Year 2020

Only you could make me feel this content. I’ll be yours forever. Here’s to another your together. Happy New Year my Love.

I’m very grateful to God first, for having brought you to this world and second, for having brought your love to my life. This year will be wonderful to live our love.

If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you’ve made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. Happy New Year Sweet.

The very first wish of mine on this New Year is to thank you for all you have done for me & my says I Love you lots with each single beat New Year Wishes to my Dearest one!

This year has been wonderful and all because of your love and company and I’m sure that the next year will be more awesome. Congratulations on this New Year my princess.

 Dear Mother and Dad, Though I Don’t Often, Express in Words as Just How Much I Love U, But Now I Wish To Thank U for Your, Beautiful Presents, Your Blessings and Above, All Showing me the Ideal way to Produce My Life, Much More Beautiful. Advance Happy New Year Mother and Dad.

 Only happiness for you rather than one tear Since everybody likes you May all of your troubles, never again bother you That is my particular New Year want for you. Αs the new Υear moving tο start. Ι want may Τhe great times, reside οn within our Μemories and can WΕ find lessons from Τhe bothering Τimes.

 I thought in passing However, I’m in wait Who would come first to me My passing Or you Since your separation feeding me as food toxin Come on this particular event Here’s hoping that the New Year using it attracts A good deal of cheer and all great things Additionally hoping that this year brings with heaps of excellent fun And additional kick to assist with your settlements Happy New Year 2019.

 May the New Year add on your life that particular cheer As soon as your heart is full of all the love, calmness and calmness along with all the fantasies that are sent throughout your manner Your life be full of the beautiful cheer Having a bright and joyful, lovely New Year 2019.

 Length Of Friendship Contract 2016 Following Intense And Cautious Consideration, Your Contract Are Renewed For The Calendar Year 2019. Thus, try to become more LOVING and CARING next calendar year. Care for Me and Miss me. Because, It Is Not Possible To Get A Buddy Who’s 95 percent Ideal 96 percent Smart 97 percent Kind 98% Authentic 99 percent TALENTED and 100 percent Lovable So, Do not lose Whom U Never Want To Lose. Wish you a Really Happy New Yearin Advance

 Beauty, hopes, fantasies, confidence, faith, party, freshness… that is the beginning of a New Year! As soon as the New Year arrives, it brings with it new ideas and strategies to make our own lives great to better and finally superior to best. A promising and a satisfying new year is waiting only for you. Open your arms and then scatter it together with elegance and mirth. Hope that you have a profitable one.

May your new year be decorated with sweet memories, wonderful days and memorable nights.

Keep the smile, leave the tear, hold the laugh, leave the pain, think of joy, forget the fear and be joyous ’cause it’s new year. Happy New Year!

Here’s wishing you a happy prosperous fun filled joyful and fortunate new year ahead. Happy New Year!

I wish you spend a great year ahead that starts with happiness and ends with that, too. Happy New Year!

Wishing you beautiful moments, treasured memories and all the blessings a heart can know. Happy New Year!

May the coming year Be one that is not feared. Take that risk and dare Remembering that we care.

Happiness and success is my wish for you this year. May every accomplishment you achieve in this coming year be one that makes you happy. Happy New Year!

A new year to dream big dreams, to set big goals and achieve all that you are wishing for. Happy New Year!

This new year’s wish comes with an appreciation for all you do, for your thoughtfulness and unselfish ways, for your smile that you give us every day.

Last year has past And it was a blast May the coming year Bring only the best, my dear.

January 1 is the beginning of a new year One that I hope for you is full of cheer. A year that brings all that you hope for And may you find even more.

May each hour, each day, each month be filled with achievements that make your life full of joy. Happy New Year!

Hope your Christmas was jolly and bright. May you ring in the New Year with all the lights. Here’s hoping each day of the coming year will bring lots of happiness and your favorite things.

The New Year brings opportunities, may you find many this coming year.

May this new year, this new day, bring you everything you wish for.

A New Year is like a blank notebook, and the pen is in your hands. This is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself.

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.” – Bill Vaughn

“Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress.” – Charles Kettering

“I’ve had some lovely extraordinary experiences on New Year’s Eve.” – Debbie Harry

“Many years ago I resolved never to bother with New Years resolutions, and I have stuck with it ever since.” – Dave Beard

It doesn’t matter where you came from, all that matters is where you are going. – Brian Tracy

The past prepares us for the present. – Lailah Gifty Akita










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