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One day I caught myself smiling for no reason, then I realized that I was thinking of you. My Sweetie.

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Good morning, start your day with a bang and eat your breakfast. Never forget that I love you always and you should focus on your dreams. Achieve them all if you can so you can rest in the evening. I love you with all my heart my sweetie pie.

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Sweetie, with you I've realized all I want in this life is to wake up being by your side, looking into your eyes that shines brighter than a diamond, your skin that's radiant than the sun and your touch as soft as silk, I just want you and no one else. Be mine forever pretty. Good morning my love, Have a great day ahead.

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Hey baby, your thoughts were with me through the night that I can't wait for morning to come to tell you how much you mean to me. Good morning sweetie.

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You look so beautiful when you are in bed that sleep gets naturally attracted to you. Good night sweetie.

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Chip up, sweetie. You’re beautiful!

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