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You have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money, compliments, or publicity. Thomas Wolfe

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“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” – Dale Carnegie

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You have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money, compliments, or publicity. – Thomas Wolfe

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अगर तुम उसमे interested नही हो…तो उसे धोखा मत दो…उसे छोड़ दो!

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If you are not interested then don’t cheat him.. Better leave him..

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True love is when she talks non- stop and you are still interested in listening to her.

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“If I get the vibe that you’re not interested in talking to me, I’ll make my way out of your life without hesitation…”

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“Find something you are passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.” – Julia Child

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“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.”

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“I began to realize how important it was to be an enthusiast in life. He taught me that if you are interested in something, no matter what it is, go at it full speed ahead. Embrace it with both arms, hug it, love it, and above all become passionate about it. Lukewarm is no good. Hot is no good either. White hot and passionate is the only thing to be.” – Roald Dahl, “My Uncle Oswald”

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“Make New Year’s goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year. This helps you do your part. It is an affirmation that you’re interested in fully living life in the year to come.

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