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The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary. Charles Caleb Colton

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Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. Charles Buxton

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One fails forward toward success. Charles Kettering

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“Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.” – Charles F. Kettering

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“Not in time, place, or circumstances, but in the man lies success.” ~Charles B. Rouss

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"Reflect upon you present blessings, of which every man has many--not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." Charles Dickens

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"We forge the chains we wear in life." Charles Dickens

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Courage is not limited to the battlefield or the Indianapolis 500 or bravely catching a thief in your house. The real tests of courage are much quieter. They are the inner tests, like remaining faithful when nobody’s looking, like enduring pain when the room is empty, like standing alone when you’re misunderstood. – Charles R. Swindoll

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“You’ve got to know when to let a woman go if you want to keep her,and if you don’t want to keep her you let her go anyhow so it’s always a process of letting go, one way or the other.” – Charles Bukowski

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Just remember, once you’re over the hill you begin to pick up speed. Charles Schulz

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“Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it” – Charles Swindoll

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“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.” – Charles Schulz

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“Reflect upon you present blessings, of which every man has many–not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” – Charles Dickens

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“If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.”” – Charles R. Swindoll

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“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia.” – Charles Schulz

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“Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are.” – Julius Charles

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The most important thing in life is to stop saying ‘I wish’ and start saying ‘I will’. Consider nothing impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities. Charles Dickens

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“Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress.” – Charles Kettering

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He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides. – Charles Lamb

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If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers. – Charles Dickens

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"If there were no bad people there would be no good lawyers.” —Charles Dickens

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The early morning hour should be dedicated to praise: do not the birds set us the example? Charles Spurgeon

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Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I’m not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you’ve felt that way. Charles Bukowski

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Never get out of bed before noon. Charles Bukowski

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"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."...........(Charles Darwin)

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