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“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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“Live daringly, boldly, fearlessly. Taste the relish to be found in competition – in having put forth the best within you”. – Henry J. Kaiser

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“Live each day like it’s your second to the last. That way you can fall asleep at night.” – Jason Love

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“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

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“Live out of your imagination, not your history.” —Stephen Covey

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“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.” – Mary Anne Roadacher-Hershey

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“Live every week like it’s Shark Week.” – Tracy Jordan

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“Live every act fully, as if it were your last.”

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buddha quotes enlightenment

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